Friday, April 26, 2013

Guest Artist Series: George Stabe

It is so interesting to learn dance and the choreographic styles of the different guest artists that come to HCC. Each person is so different. It is so inspiring to hear about the places they've gone and the way they've grown in their stylistic habits of choreography. My favorite guest artist that I was privileged enough to take class with was George Staib. George was so inspiring in the way he taught because he was stern, yet had a fantastic sense of humor. He is very verbal so he always adds sound to his moment when teaching his choreographies and also while watching us execute his work. He also added story to the combinations. That aspect really helped us as a group perform his movement with liveliness. I remember him telling us that we were animals in the jungle and when we started running with low and grounded runs, that we were like a lion going after it's prey. The use of imagery and humor made his workshop very enjoyable. Based on those concepts of imagery, voice and humor I felt as if I was able to find the whole body movement we have been talking about since day one. It helped wake my body up, and my attention was focused because I really enjoyed the choreographers personality and work. I hope to be able to work with George again, and I am now very interested in going overseas to study dance and get out of the realm of the American styles. Mr. Staib lived overseas as well as other guest artists who have come to teach and each has such a unique out take and genuine personality, that I would be interested to see what ways I could grow from studying abroad.

Below is a picture of the inspiring choreographer, Mr. George Staib.

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